Box and whiskers plot excel
Box and whiskers plot excel

  • Extreme Values – the smallest and largest values in a data set.
  • IQR – interquartile range, the difference from Q3 to Q1.
  • Q3 – quartile 3, the median of the upper half of the data set.
  • Q2 – quartile 2, the median of the entire data set.
  • Q1 – quartile 1, the median of the lower half of the data set.
  • There are a few important vocabulary terms to know in order to graph a box-and-whisker plot. It's a nice plot to use when analyzing how your data is skewed. The box-and-whisker plot doesn't show frequency, and it doesn't display each individual statistic, but it clearly shows where the middle of the data lies. Close the window when finished.Box-and-whisker plots are a handy way to display data broken into four quartiles, each with an equal number of data values. Instead of specifying a percentage, choose "Specify Value" and enter the cell range where your "Series 5" data is located. Repeat the process of setting error bars for the "Series 4" data, but select "Plus" error bars this time. Close the "More Error Bars" window when finished. Select "Minus" error bars and specify a percentage value of 100%. Click the "More Error Bars Options" link at the bottom of the drop-down menu. From the "Chart Tools" section on the Ribbon, select the "Layout" tab and click "Error Bars" in the "Analysis" section. Right-click the "Series 2" data in the chart and set it to "No Outline" and "No Fill" as well. Right-click the "Series 1" data in the chart and use the formatting bar to select "No Outline" and "No Fill" from the "Shape Outline" and "Shape Fill" formatting options.

    box and whiskers plot excel

    Created a stacked column chart by clicking the "Insert" tab on the Excel Ribbon, clicking "Column" and selecting "Stacked Column" from the "2-D Column" group in the Column menu. Select the "Series 1" through "Series 4" values for your first data set do not select the "Series 5" value at this time. Generate the differences between your data points by creating a second set of data labeled "Series 1" through "Series 5." Assuming that the data points for your first data set were generated in cells J1 to J5, the value for "Series 1" should be "=J1," the value for "Series 2" should be "=J2-J1," the value for "Series 3" should be "=J3-J2," the value for "Series 4" should be "=J4-J3" and the value for "Series 5" should be "=J5-J4." Repeat this in a new column for each data set. Repeat Steps 3 through 5 with any additional data sets that you have entered into your spreadsheet to generate the same five points of data for each data set. Type "=PERCENTILE(A$1:A$15,0.25)" without the quotes in the empty cell next to "25th Percentile," adjusting the cell range referenced by the command to fit the way your data is organized.Įnter "=MEDIAN(A$1:A$15)" next to your "Median" entry, "=PERCENTILE(A$1:A$15,0.75)" next to your "75th Percentile" entry and "=MAX(A$1:A$15)" next to your "Maximum" entry to finalize your calculations, again adjusting the cell range as needed. This assumes that the data grouping you wish to find a minimum for begins with cell A1 and ends with cell A15 change the cell coordinates as needed to represent the way that your data is organized as you enter the cell data.

    box and whiskers plot excel

    Select the cell next to "Minimum" and type "=MIN(A$1:A$15)" without the quotation marks.

    box and whiskers plot excel

    Ideally these entries should be placed in a single column so that the data generated for each entry will be grouped together in a single portion of the spreadsheet. Enter "Minimum," "25th Percentile," "Median," "75th Percentile" and "Maximum" into unoccupied cells in your spreadsheet.

    Box and whiskers plot excel